Wednesday, April 24

101 things to do with crèpes - part two (breakfast crèpe)

you've heard about it before - the ever-so-elusive savory crèpe. it's used for meals... besides breakfast???

yep. in fact, crèpes are more flexible (cooking-wise) than the typical pancake. while i was surfing the 'net, i happened upon some really confusing things. like, eggs baked into the crèpe? how does that work?
so i took matters upon my own hands and made it. the breakfast crèpe, complete with eggs and cheese.
a glorified omelet that strangely made me want to dump maple syrup on it.

voilà ma crèpe de petite déjouner

Monday, April 22

101 things to do with crèpes - part one (nutella crèpe)

back when i went to school in saint paul, i had lunch at this crèpe truck twice, and both times i got the nutella crèpe. it was like a ballerina pancake with delicious chocolate that just tasted like i've been crowned grand duchess five times. ...yeah. so imagine my delight when my mom graciously gifted me with ten (you read it right - the big 1-oh) pre-made crèpes. btw, you actually pronounce them crep, not crape or anything.
anyways. after several attempts, i made this yummy nutella crèpe that doesn't taste like the Sahara Desert.
on this page - a fabulous nutella crèpe recipe that a) isn't dry and b) is pretty quick and easy and c) contains stuff you already have (besides maybe the crèpes).

Saturday, April 20

pretzel bites

i love these.
after they're cooked, you can make pretty much anything out of these.
adapted from my pinterest board.

Tuesday, April 9

gotta love the sun (easy breakfast eggs)

i like breakfasts.
i don't like making breakfasts.
i don't like mornings.
out of all this, i can easily express how happy i was to stumble upon this recipe. it involves the oven, muffin tins, spray, and very minimal elbow grease. this is for the days when i'm too lazy to heat up the omelet maker.

Monday, April 8

it's not easy being a tofoodie (thai peanut tofu wraps)

i guess i've been inactive for like the past week.
so let me make it up to you.
i am giving you an opportunity to try...
in a way that makes it less tasteless.

Tuesday, April 2

rollin' in dough (eggless cookie dough recipe)

my sources (see endnote) say that teenage girls make up the majority of raw cookie dough consumers. then again, i can see why.
there is no preparation; all you do is scoop up a spoonful.
it's delicious.